Unified Namespace (UNS)
IOT Architecture for Asset Management

  • Interoperability (MQTT protocol)
  • Scalable, Secure, Reliable
  • Open & Composable

Unified Namespace (UNS)
IOT Architecture for Asset Management

Industry best practices for Asset Management Solutions

Most organizations face a variety of asset tracking and management needs throughout their organization. Whether the objective is operational efficiency, inspection, compliance, cost reduction, or improved customer service, there are a wide array of corporate assets that require monitoring. Along with that comes an equally wide array of different technologies and approaches for meeting that objective.

As a ‘last-mile specialist’ Coppernic has a lot of experience deploying asset tracking and management solutions.  We find the best practices in the industry and deploy them to the benefit of our customers. Right now, the Unified Namespace (UNS) approach to IOT and Asset Management is the best approach that we have implemented, for many reasons.

uns diagram
UNS architecture

The advantages of a UNS architecture combined
with an MQTT solution

There are many distinct advantages in using a UNS architecture combined with an MQTT broker-based solution. Not only is it an advanced technology solution, but it allows the end user to build Open and Composable solutions – to avoid vendor lock-in, data silos, and restrictive technology barriers.

It is a flexible and adaptable approach that can be applied to almost any asset tracking or management project, with the ability to start slow and scale rapidly as required.

MQTT broker

A proven, lightweight, open protocol that is essential for building a reliable and secure IOT infrastructure for Asset Management.

A standard protocol that allows the maximum connectivity to back-end systems, edge devices, sensors and more.

A publish / subscribe model that provides a high degree of flexibility and control in terms of sharing information with whoever needs it.

An Open and ‘Composable’ system that allows new data acquisition technologies or backend applications to be added to the system seamlessly.

The foundation for your Digital Transformation

There is a lot to be said about UNS and MQTT, and we encourage our customers to search for valuable viewpoints from industry leaders such as HiveMQ.

Let’s talk about it!